Selecting Household Plants

Household plants are also referred to as indoor plants. They are sold in different places such as nurseries, greenhouses, florists, craft fairs, home improvement centers and flea markets. Some of the considerations you need to make when choosing them include price, quality, lighting level among others.
Having an indoor garden is the best ways of increasing the indoor’s aesthetics, and cleansing the inside air. Some of the plants will also offer you various yummy, organic foods. These are economical because that occupy a very small area or space. In fact, you can even use the windowsill to set up your indoor garden.
These plants will do well in any space-whether big or small. A table or a bench should be set up when growing plants on a large garden. You should choose a floor space having a tile or linoleum floor to catch the water droplets. Alternatively, a tarp can also be put beneath the table. Shelves occupy little space, but they are helpful in increasing the planting space. Where shelves are used, you should ensure that all the plants are getting adequate sunlight. You can also consider having separate grow lights for the different shelves.
Light is needed by plants for photosynthesis. Plants will grow tall and spindly when there is no sufficient light. Apart from energy, plant’s leaves need light for them to expand completely. It is also required for the development and growth of flowers and fruits. A grow light should be bought to provide adequate lighting during winter. This light should be placed next to the plants, but care should be taken not to burn the leaves. The lighting source chosen should have the same wavelength as that provided by the sun.
Lack of humidity is one of the main challenges facing indoor gardeners. It is important to note that this problem is more likely to occur in winter because winters are drier than summers. Low humidity level can lead to loss of leaves from the plants, browning of the leaves’ tips, and withering or puckering or plants. The following are some of the effective measures that can help you in increasing humidity.
- Using a humidifier
- Misting the plants regularly
- Placing a tray filled with water near the garden make sure that your plants are arranged close to each other
- Purchasing an environmental controller for humidifying or dehumidifying the plants